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What To Do If You Are Sexually Harassed

Each sexual harassment experience is different, from workplace bullying that takes on a sexual tone to blatant discrimination based on nonconformity with traditional gender roles. At the Bay Area Law Offices of Felicia C. Curran, we represent people who have experienced sexual harassment of all types.

If you have been sexually harassed, we can help you understand what steps to take. We can take legal action on your behalf, guiding you through the process and protecting your rights at every step of the way.

This is not legal advice, but here are some basic guidelines to get you started:

  • Contact an attorney at our law firm. There are time limits for filing a sexual harassment claim. If you are being harassed at work, it is critical to contact us as soon as possible. We can help obtain a Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) Right-to-Sue Letter before it is too late. We can also write a letter or email reporting the sexual harassment to your manager so that there is a written record of your complaint.
  • Set limits at work. Make sure that it is clear to your harasser and manager that you find the sexual conduct offensive and unwelcome. Don’t talk about your sex life at work or engage in sexual conversations that might lead people to think that their sexual behaviors, talk or interactions are welcome. Keep your social media profiles out of your work life; set your Facebook and Twitter to private. Avoid drinking with your co-workers or managers. If possible, avoid the situations in which the sexual harassment occurred.
  • Help us collect information that will build your case. We may ask you to help us build your case by providing necessary information. We often ask our clients to keep journals of the sexual harassment incidents so that the dates and details of the incidents stay clear. We may also ask you to obtain a copy of your employer’s sexual harassment policies, make a list of the potential witnesses and people involved.
  • Get additional support if you need it. Sometimes people feel shaken after being sexually harassed. It is absolutely okay to feel however you feel. If you are experiencing emotional distress, it is important to communicate it to your doctor and make sure that it is noted in your medical records. If you think that you may need additional support, make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist.

To learn more about what to do if you are sexually harassed at work, we encourage you to contact our Oakland, California, law firm. There is no charge for our services until you win, so you do not need money to retain us. To schedule a free and confidential consultation with our lawyer, contact us online or by calling 510-823-2331.

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