Oakland Attorney Fighting LGBT Sexual Harassment

People are laid off every day for reasons that are not illegal. However, there are illegal reasons for firing someone — including firing him or her based on gender discrimination or for reporting sexual harassment.
A significant percentage of sexual harassment and discrimination claims are filed by people who identify themselves as LGBT. In fact, a recent study revealed that more than 20 percent of LGBT employees reported being the victims of workplace harassment or discrimination on account of their gender identities or sexual orientations.
At the Law Offices of Felicia C. Curran, in Oakland, California, we represent people who have experienced sexual harassment at work, in school or in other aspects of their lives.
Types Of Discrimination And Harassment
LGBT people face many types of discrimination and harassment in the workplace (and elsewhere), including:
- Being laid off, fired or demoted based on sexual orientation
- Not being hired or being passed over for promotions
- Being harassed for nonconformity with traditional gender roles, including being called “unmasculine” or “unfeminine”
- Being retaliated against for standing up for legal rights
- Being refused benefits that others receive
- Being paid less due to sexual orientation
If you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and have been harassed at work or in school, you may be able to take legal action. A lawsuit does more than just recover compensation or help you get your job back — it sends a clear message to harassers. It tells them that sexual harassment of LGBT is never okay. It can even help prevent future harassment from happening to others.
Contact Our Bay Area Law Firm | Speak With A Lawyer
You do not need money to retain our law firm in your Oakland area sexual harassment claim; there is no charge for our services until you win. To schedule a free and confidential consultation with an attorney, contact us online or by calling 510-823-2331.