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Patient Dumping

Helping The Victims Of Elder Abuse And Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing homes should not just give up on their patients, but it happens more and more often — especially as nursing homes cut costs to maximize corporate profits. When nursing homes tell families that their loved ones are no longer welcome, when they leave elderly and sick patients essentially homeless, it may be possible to take legal action for the harm they cause.

At the Law Offices of Felicia C. Curran, in Oakland, California, we represent the victims of the process known as “patient dumping.” Many of our clients were let go from the nursing homes and care facilities they had called home because there was more money to be made from another patient.

Our clients are people who have experienced many different forms of patient dumping. Some of the experiences we have heard include:

  • Patients who were falsely told that the nursing home could no longer provide the level of care that they required.
  • Patients who were sent to the hospital and told that their rooms had been given to other patients while they were away.
  • Patients who were excluded from homes just because of behavioral issues that made care challenging.

Federal law says that patients must be given 30 days’ notice if nursing homes plan to evict them. However, many patients do not receive the notice they deserve or are incapable of understanding an eviction notice. Suddenly, they are told that they must leave — even if they have nowhere to go.

Contact A Bay Area Attorney About Your Patient Dumping Lawsuit

If a loved one has been dumped from a nursing home, contact our law office as soon as possible. We can take quick, responsive action to protect your loved one’s rights. Discuss your potential legal case with a lawyer at no cost or obligation, or contact us online in Oakland, California, or by calling 510-823-2331. You owe us nothing unless we obtain a recovery for you in your nursing home neglect case. No charge until the case is won.

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