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$850,000 Settlement For Wrongful Death & Neglect

$850,000 Settlement for wrongful death and neglect of a dependent adult who became septic at long term care home: A forty-five-year-old man became physically disabled from multiple sclerosis, and went to live at a long term care facility. He was totally dependent on others for basic activities such as toileting, bathing, turning in bed, and getting in and out of bed. He was often left for hours sitting in wet diapers, causing him to develop chronic urinary tract infections. His family repeatedly complained about the strong odor of urine in his room and on his person, to no avail. The facility’s neglect of his needs caused him to become depressed and withdrawn, causing him to refuse to eat, resulting in clinical malnourishment and dehydration. He passed away after become septic, caused by the urinary tract infections. Felicia obtained a settlement on behalf of the family by presenting evidence that the long term care facility caused the man’s death by its repeated neglect of his medical and psychological needs, and that the managers of the facility were aware of the neglect but did nothing.

The State Bar of California
Consumer Attorneys of California